
The Tux

Tux. The symbol that identifies Linux users globally.

This begs the question,” who owns the penguin?”

Well, truth is, nobody owns it. Someone else might ask,” Then why the penguin?”
Let’s go back a bit to where the idea sprung from.
To begin with, if you are from warm areas of the earth, chances are that seeing live penguins are not your everyday cup of tea. These extremely beautiful and fearless animals prefer very cold temperatures.
They apparently possess a very infectious bite according to Linus Torvalds who fell victim and is also the brains behind the Open Source Software. He claims that the penguin bite grows your attachment to penguins and increases your love for them. Of course, he meant it as a joke and was looking for an amusing way to bring in the Linux concept.

He succeeded.

Thus the birth of the Tux, a fearless, flightless, fat theme. Interesting, right?
This theory could, after all, be true. Linux is for lack of a better word, a “good addiction.” One may as well claim that he who finds Linux, finds a good thing. The theme colors of the Tux are yellow, black and white which signify strength, happiness, enthusiasm, and intelligence. These characteristics represent
the dynamics of the Technology and at the same time the nature of its users.

So what is Linux?
Visualize this. You get into the office in the morning with your hot cup of tea, or coffee for people like me. You sit on your desk and boot your laptop or desktop. The first shift of the day is usually the busiest so its very messy and your android phone cannot stop ringing, not to forget the angry chatters in the hallway about the servers being down. It is going to be a long day. 10 minutes gone, your coffee is getting cold. On picking up your phone, you find from your boss that the network is down but the wireless connection is still working. Sound familiar?

The daily life of an administrator is hectic. However, with Linux, you are provided a wide range of opportunities. Look at it this way, it is a Free Open Source Software. Being free means that you have the freedom to copy, study or modify the software. With the open Source Code openly shared, users are
usually encouraged to refine the design of the software. The wide range of Linux distributions also provides you a wide range of Choices to select from.
Freedom. Choices. Beautiful

These opportunities make Linux the best Free Open Source Software. Look around you. More people are now embracing the technology. Companies like Space X, New York stock exchange, London stock exchange, loud enabled enterprises, e-commerce leaders such as Pay-pal, Amazon just to mention a few are all running on Linux.

Choose to put on the Tux today and allow the Penguin bite influence your choices. Be smart, Choose Linux.

…and oh, did you know that your Android phone runs on Linux too? Now you know.

P.S: April Intakes are currently ongoing! Send us your application on: